How to Ride a Bike for Adults

How to Ride a Bike for Adults

  • Next, push yourself forward with your feet, and lift them off the ground slightly. Try to coast for a few seconds, and keep your eyes on the horizon. Don’t look down at the bike or the ground, as this can make you lose balance. If you feel like falling, put your feet down and stop the bike.
  • Once you can coast confidently, you can try to pedal. To do this, put one foot on a pedal, and push it down to start moving. Then, quickly put the other foot on the other pedal, and keep pedaling smoothly. Use the brakes to slow down or stop, and put your feet on the ground when you stop.
  • To brake the bike, you need to use both your hands and your feet. Most bikes have two brakes, one for the front wheel and one for the rear wheel. The front brake is usually on the left side of the handlebar, and the rear brake is on the right side. You should squeeze both brakes evenly and gradually, to avoid skidding or flipping over. You should also stop pedaling, and put your feet on the ground when you stop.
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