can bikes ride on sidewalks

Can Bikes Ride on Sidewalks

  • Avoiding accidents: The road can also be risky for cyclists. They can collide with vehicles or other objects. They can get hurt or killed. Riding on sidewalks can reduce this risk. Sidewalks can offer a safer space for cyclists. Especially when the road is poor, has no bike lane, or has high speed limit.
can bikes ride on sidewalks
  • Endangering pedestrians: Riding on sidewalks can also be harmful to pedestrians. They have the right of way on sidewalks. Cyclists who ride on sidewalks may hit or scare them. Especially children, seniors, or people with disabilities. They may not see, hear, or move fast enough. Cyclists who ride on sidewalks may also block or disturb them. They may have to step off the sidewalk or squeeze into a small space.
  • Be careful and courteous: When you ride your bike on the sidewalk, you should be aware of your surroundings. You should pay attention to the traffic, pedestrians, and other obstacles. You should ride at a slow and moderate speed. And keep a safe distance from others. You should also signal your actions. Such as turning, stopping, or passing. You can use your hand, bell, or voice. You should always yield to pedestrians. And give them the right of way. You should also apologize or thank them if you have any conflicts or interactions.
  • The width, condition, and usage of the sidewalk
  • The weather, time, and location
  • The impact of your actions on yourself and others
  • The pros and cons of riding on the sidewalk

You should only ride on the sidewalk when it is necessary, reasonable, and respectful.

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