Best 20 inch bike with training wheels

Best 20 inch bike with training wheels

Do you have a child who wants to ride a bike, but is not quite ready to balance on two wheels? If so, you might be interested in getting a 20 inch bike with training wheels for them. Training wheels are small wheels that attach to the rear of the bike and provide extra stability and support for beginners. They can help your child learn the basics of biking, such as pedaling, steering, and braking, while also having fun and staying safe.

However, not all 20 inch bikes with training wheels are created equal. There are many factors to consider when choosing the best bike for your child, such as size, weight, brakes, gears, and quality. In this article, we will explain what to look for in a 20 inch bike with training wheels, and review some of the best models on the market. We hope this guide will help you find the perfect bike for your child’s needs and preferences.

Why 20 Inch Bikes?

Bikes come in different sizes, measured by the diameter of the wheels. The most common sizes for kids are 12 inch, 14 inch, 16 inch, 18 inch, and 20 inch. The size of the bike should match the size of your child, so that they can ride comfortably and safely.

A 20 inch bike is usually suitable for kids who are between 6 and 9 years old, or who have an inseam (the length from the crotch to the floor) of about 22 to 25 inches. However, these are only rough estimates, and you should always measure your child’s inseam and compare it to the seat height of the bike before buying. The seat height is the distance from the top of the seat to the ground, and it should be equal to or slightly lower than your child’s inseam. This way, your child can touch the ground with both feet while sitting on the seat, and have some room to grow.

You can also adjust the seat height and handlebar height of the bike to fine-tune the fit. A well-fitted bike will make your child feel more comfortable and confident while riding.

What to Look for in a 20 Inch Bike with Training Wheels

Besides the size of the bike, there are other features and factors that you should consider when choosing a 20 inch bike with training wheels. Here are some of the most important ones.

1- Weight

The weight of the bike affects how easy it is for your child to maneuver and carry. A lighter bike is generally better, especially for younger or smaller riders. However, lighter bikes tend to be more expensive and less durable than heavier ones.

A good rule of thumb is to look for a bike that weighs no more than 30% of your child’s weight. For example, if your child weighs 50 pounds, the bike should weigh no more than 15 pounds

2- Brakes

Brakes are essential for stopping and slowing down the bike safely. There are two main types of brakes: coaster brakes and hand brakes. Coaster brakes are activated by pedaling backward, while hand brakes are activated by squeezing levers on the handlebars. Some bikes have both types of brakes, while others have only one.

Coaster brakes are easier for beginners to use, but they can also interfere with learning how to pedal properly. Hand brakes require more coordination and strength, but they offer more control and precision. Depending on your child’s age and skill level, you may want to choose a bike with one or both types of brakes.

3- Gears

Gears are optional features that allow your child to change the speed and resistance of the bike. They can help your child tackle hills or longer-distance rides more easily, but they also add complexity and maintenance to the bike. Most 20 inch bikes have either one speed (single-speed) or six speeds (geared).

Single-speed bikes are simpler and cheaper, but they may not be suitable for hilly or varied terrain. Geared bikes are more versatile and adaptable, but they require more skill and attention to use. Unless your child needs gears to ride in challenging conditions, a single-speed bike may be enough.

4- Training wheels

Training wheels are removable attachments that provide extra stability and support for your child while riding. They usually consist of two small wheels that attach to the rear axle of the bike. Training wheels can help your child gain confidence and balance, but they can also hinder their progress and prevent them from learning how to lean and steer properly.

Therefore, you should only use training wheels as a temporary aid, and remove them as soon as your child is ready to ride without them. You can also adjust the height of the training wheels to gradually reduce their contact with the ground.

Best 20 Inch Bikes with Training Wheels Reviews

Now that you know what to look for in a 20 inch bike with training wheels, let’s take a look at some of the best options available on the market. We have selected four models that meet our criteria of quality, performance, safety, and value.

#1- Guardian 20 Single Speed

20 inch bike with training wheels

The Guardian 20 Single Speed is one of our top picks for a 20 inch bike with training wheels. It features a unique SureStop braking system that activates both front and rear brakes with one lever. This makes it easier and safer for your child to stop smoothly and avoid accidents.

It also has a lightweight steel frame, a comfortable saddle, an adjustable seat post, a chain guard, and a kickstand. It comes with removable training wheels that are easy to install and adjust. The bike has a single speed, which is ideal for flat or gentle terrain. The bike is available in four colors: blue, pink, green, and black.

#2- Retrospec Koda Plus 20

Retrospec Koda Plus 20

20 inch bike

The Retrospec Koda Plus 20 is another great choice for a 20 inch bike with training wheels. It has a stylish design and comes in six fun colors: coral, eggshell, graphite, lilac, mint, and navy. The bike has a durable steel frame, a cushioned seat, an adjustable seat post, a chain guard, and a bell.

It has hand brakes only, which are easy to use and provide better control. It also has a single speed, which is simple and low maintenance. The bike comes with removable training wheels that are sturdy and stable. Koda plus is suitable for kids who are between 45 and 54 inches tall.

#3- Polygon Ultralight MTB

20 inch bike

Polygon Ultralight MTB

The Polygon Ultralight MTB is a versatile bike that can handle both paved and dirt trails. It has a lightweight aluminum frame, a suspension fork, a padded seat, an adjustable seat post, a chain guard, and a kickstand.

This bike has hand brakes only, which are powerful and reliable. It also has six speeds, which are easy to shift with a twist shifter. Ultralight mtb comes with removable training wheels that are durable and adjustable. The bike has a sleek design and comes in two colors: black and orange.

#4- Specialized Jett 20

Specialized Jett 20
20 inch bike

The Specialized Jett 20 is a high-quality bike that offers a lot of room for growth. It has an aluminum frame, a rigid fork, a comfortable seat, an adjustable seat post, a chain guard, and a kickstand. Jett 20 has hand brakes only, which are smooth and responsive.

It also has six speeds, which are easy to shift with trigger shifters. The bike comes with removable training wheels that are strong and secure. Jett 20 has a modern design and comes in three colors: blue, pink, and red


A 20 inch bike with training wheels can be a great way to introduce your child to the joy of biking. However, not all bikes are the same, and you should consider several factors when choosing the best one for your child. Some of the factors are size, weight, brakes, gears, and quality.

We hope this article has helped you understand what to look for in a 20 inch bike with training wheels, and given you some suggestions on the best models available. Happy biking with bicycle ninjaa!

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